Open, Creative, Cooperative Commons Development
The „Open“ is the common prefix and foundation of how we work since 2024: Open-Source, Open Participation, Open transparent, Open financed and Open Development.

2025 Q1 Pathmap
There ain´t no roads in the SWAG project. Just agile sprints, mapping a path in fresh territory. Here is what’s currently at the horizon..
Open Finance
Full transparent and public financing, funding, project costs and Grant management on a world wide Open Collective platform
Project Steps, the path ahead, Q1 2025

Public, Live Kanban Agile Project Management Board
Not piling up a thousand started tasks in a row.
The calm mind sees a bucket,
a few things ready and assigned,
just a little in progress with full awareness,
done, next….
1. Secure Funding of Q1 2025 Project development
- Design a website 1 pager, English, present the 2025 concept (done)
- Find a Non-profit legal entity as a Fiscal Host for the common good project coop and Platform for Open-Financing and Fund Management (done)
- Further develop the website, add all relevant details and a live Kanban „roadmap“ ( in live review)
- Invite Foundations, NGO’s, Philanthropists to co-fund THE SWAG Q1 2025 (in progress)
2. Weave the Network
- Find a local coop partner in Brussels, EU as the next City Partner in progress (Kassel, Germany already in since 2024 and heading towards a high quality German Game Box, financed by Smart City Kassel)
- Live Develop the multi-lingual gamified Social Collaboration Network and use it as a coop.
We start with the already existing 2024 base of a Nextcloud, Talk and super extended WordPress stack already field tested and established
ready when funded
3. Contribute to the Core with Educational bonus material
We succesfully published a first printed, public alpha after just 4 agile development months in 2024. What we could not get to, yet, is to design the „Play’n Learn“ educational bonus material that will accompany this years boxed version and will ensure long term impact learning with the social game product.
Seed funding ended end of December 2024. The creation of the „Play and Learn“ bonus material is not being funded yet.
ready when funded
4. Coop Develop Easter Holiday SWAGdesign Playshop
- Book local youth .org partner in Brussels and Kassel and ensure, they can bill The SWAG for custom workshop design and execution
- Co-Develop the first simultaneous 3-day SWAGdesign Playshop in April running in both Cities at the same time.
Q2 2025
Easter Holiday 3-day SWAGdesign Playshop
Synchronous + live stream connected in 2 EU Cities
Brussels, EU <> Kassel, EU
planned between April 07th and 21st 2025 – to be announced
Open Finance
Public, Open, Full transparency!
Money Flows of public and common good nature should also be public for the common good! Where does it come from ? Where does it go and for what ? Everyone can see the financial stream and even analyze, as the .csv download is also being provided to the public. A save grassroots way to experiment with Open Finance.
The SWAG is fiscally hosted by the Open Collective Europe Foundation in Brussels. When a foundation wants to provide grant funding to THE SWAG, it will be directed to a representative of our fiscal host to begin the legal procedure.
What has to be financed in Q1 2025 ?
7.750,00€ :
50€ per month
Garden Linux web-server, web-hosting fee.
This is the Server on which our gamified Social Collaboration Network, our Open-Source cloud and our website is running on.
2×1800,00€ = 2 month Fulltime Project Development
- Development of the gamified Open-Source Social Collaboration Network connecting SWAG game designer and local City partners
- Weaving the network of local EU partners and youth organizations
- Website Design and Realtime documentation
- Managing Funding, Fundraising and Open Finance Page
4000€ Partner Budget
Local youth .org partners in the EU Cities of Brussels and Kassel should be able to bill their facilitation of SWAG Gamedesign Workshops to THE SWAG.
The first synchronous SWAG Gamedesign playshop between 2 EU Cities is planned for April 2025 during the Easter holidays.